lol2468lol Already loving him Since Karina won’t take him, I will December 11, 2023 at 5:57 am Log in to Reply
YourTypicaIGoldDigger Mmm I see. He decided that being bound to her forever can be certain when she accepts. Too bad she won’t L August 2, 2023 at 3:49 pm Log in to Reply
kluevo Shame this won’t end up going through, but if it did it would be the most interesting twist I’d have ever read in a manhwa, manhua, or manga July 27, 2023 at 3:17 am Log in to Reply
Already loving him
Since Karina won’t take him, I will
Mmm I see. He decided that being bound to her forever can be certain when she accepts. Too bad she won’t L
Shame this won’t end up going through, but if it did it would be the most interesting twist I’d have ever read in a manhwa, manhua, or manga
he has way more progress than the duke 😭😭
he was “taking responsibility” to the max
I-……that escalated quickly 💀💀💀