“I love u so much I want to break up the walls” -> i hope this is just a mistranslation if not she really did sound quite creepy there. i mean, don’t get me wrong, she is an adult, a big fan of him, living inside a young girl’s body. she has the opportunity to be very clingy to him (physically) because of her “daughter” status without being suspected because she is just a child. I mean, no daughter act and think that way to their father same as she did it’s just soo creepy tbh. I hope her feelings towards him is just 100% platonic daughter like 🤣🤣🤣
then later we will found out that luciana is her mother or a relative.
lmao Lucy’s face when Amelia was boasting
omgg me too, her eyesss 😭
(itsss gorjasssss)
I.. just realized her eyes are flowers 😭 omg love
“I love u so much I want to break up the walls” -> i hope this is just a mistranslation if not she really did sound quite creepy there. i mean, don’t get me wrong, she is an adult, a big fan of him, living inside a young girl’s body. she has the opportunity to be very clingy to him (physically) because of her “daughter” status without being suspected because she is just a child. I mean, no daughter act and think that way to their father same as she did it’s just soo creepy tbh. I hope her feelings towards him is just 100% platonic daughter like 🤣🤣🤣
The translation is making me dizzy haha, anyways thanks for the update
The Translations Kinda Off 😭😭
That old man is pissing me off😡
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Ang pugi ni ludwug pati yun isa red head knights 😍😍😍
Yay his name is Ludwig again