I Acted As the Adopted Daughter Too Well - Chapter 49
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@batatinha while the act is unacceptable ots aftermaths are neverr black and white… if you are deadset in thinking that cheating SHOULD just end in divorce or separation thru other means instead of working things out thats on you.. but not all relationships have that luxury. im not saying its A-okay.. im
saying life isnt just true or false or yes or no.. putting it in such a dichotomy would be irresponsible if there are multiple factors that would affect ur decision
Same…. The viscount is a far far better than what his wife deserves. Btw is the kid who got killed not her son? I don’t sense any anger towards the FL and family from her(though FL did provide adequate explanation I don’t think I’d be able to let it go so fast if it was my family that had gotten killed…idk maybe that’s just me? I felt the viscount accepted it easily but then there’s this lady who doesn’t seem to give a flying f*** about ?her son’s death).
Cheating is not justifiable
I don’t know how I feel about this really?! I have mixed feeling right now