I Acted As the Adopted Daughter Too Well - Chapter 25
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jeno is going to end up more of a dad then her real father…
metal s
what are y’all talking abt in the comments stop shitting on my man wtf..
even if hes a lil bit sick in the head he’s still so much better than that fucking plain ass duke who only appears to say “hmmm interesting 🤔” and leaves.. while my beautiful man jeno is right here being the dad that stepped UP. plus i don’t really see where y’all are coming from with the creep allegations… it’s fraternal love… yea he’s insane but he just wants to adopt and care for that child 😠
Debora Lado
Nextchapter please
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
if the author was actually going to make Jeno have romantic feelings for a CHILD, I honestly doubt this manhwa would’ve been allowed to be published so let’s not get ahead of ourselves here lol
Why does Jeno reminds Mr so much of Diablo😭😭😭✝️
Jeno obs wants to be the perfect subordinate. He’s a monster who has recognized a greater monster 😄
Jeno’s affection for Viola is master-subordinate kind… I’m sure he will be a butler who is willing die for Viola in order to protect her. The sense of loyalty he’s feeling right now was because of Viola’s capability. Jeno isn’t your typical butler (he’s a S-Grade butler, a one of a kind) and it was safe to assume that he doesn’t often meet a master worthy of his loyalty— that’s why upon acknowledging Viola’s potential, his amusement started to turn into a twisted obsession of being Viola’s greatest right-hand-man. The jealousy Jeno is feeling towards the uncle-swordsman wasnt because of his ‘romantic feelings’ for Viola but because of the evident trust Viola is putting on the uncle sowrdsman— and that is bruising Jeno’s ego as Viola’s closest subordinate. He just want to be as useful as he can towards Viola but Viola is setting up a line he cannot dare to cross (she doesn’t want him to be presumptous enough worrying about her “just do what you’re told to and don’t think you can worry about me, you’re just a butler” vibe). They all have their twisted way of showing affection— and i believe Jeno is the same.
I think (and HOPE) it’s like an older brother feeling for Jeno. He can end up loving her dearly and want to protect her in the crazy brother way that only this family has lmao…obsessively
@HellyCutey It’s too far-fetched to assume Jeno’s having romantic feelings towards her.
Consider his personality from the original novel and how he’s been up until now, versus how Viola has been acting both in the original novel and in the present time.
Her perfect acting has aroused and surfaced feelings that were long gone within Jeno’s heart.
It isn’t necessarily ‘romantic’ particularly since she’s just a little kid, and a cute one at that despite acting so high and mighty.
I think the mere awakening of his lost feelings has excited him while admiring this little cute and seemingly cruel child.
I don’t know about the future, however it certainly isn’t anything romantic going on right now on Jeno’s part.
Ok….. Let’s just observe everybody 😀 we can’t get ahead of ourselves and jump into conclusions…..yet 😀😀😀
Convincing myself Jeno has no lovely dovey feelings and it’s just a butler that wants to be a right hand man to his superior