I Acted As the Adopted Daughter Too Well - Chapter 20
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He? She? Jojo’s Gender!
Don’t really like the bait and switch, of saying something that appears homophobic and then making an addition that changes the meaning at the last second.
Anyways, let’s hope this story handles okama better than One Piece…
that dude is gross and greepy….
The Anime Bookworm
He thought Viola was disgusted because he’s gay (and simping for the duke which is obv a man too) but he was wrong. She’s disgusted because seivan was pining for a married man— Viola just catch her self another fish lmao. Im sure Seivan would be soft for this child for not discriminating against him
Guess it’s another ‘he’ mistranslated as a ‘she’.
And he seems to be a homo, hence being discriminated and all.
These guys don’t even check what they type into the speech bubbles!!!
Seems like they are totally clueless about the language!!
You read a shitty TL from an aggregator site and expect an accurate translation? They got the translation for the pronouns wrong, just like they’ve done with literally every other translation. They’re obviously not intentionally “injecting transphobia” into this bffr.
babae ba to or lalake pra kseng lalake eh pero babae daw sya putangina ano ba tlga
translators really saw a canonically nonbinary person and went “nah we refuse to use gender neutral pronouns even though the og korean does not use any gendered pronouns”. way to inject the transphobia where you didn’t need to i guess
Cannon non gernder conforming?? 🥰
And thus first woke movement was born. Initiate by Duchess of steel
I wonder why most characters like Seivan are used as the “char with a few screws lose” or the “pervert after the handsome man”. RL they seem more… normal? Would that be too boring for a story or is there a “common sense” like the old Hollywood thing (black actor = servant role, blond woman = idiot eye-candy)?
It’s fixed.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
yeah i think so because last chapter was chapter 18 and this one is 20, maybe they titled the chapters wrong or something.
Did it just skip chapters?