I Acted As the Adopted Daughter Too Well - Chapter 19
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he’s sounding like my dad with all his “father rights”….like the right to have us do all the yardwork for “charater development”
She’s hitting those sentimental duke points perfectly 🫢
She just reminds him of his deceased beloved wife… the way she speaks off her mind proudly, her boldness and cheeky personality— a setting to emphasize why and how an adopted daughter like her can strongly establish her position as the duke’s most loved daughter. Shes not her deceased wife’s daughter… it’s only a setting showing off one of the many reasons why the duke will feel unconditional attachment to our isekaied fml.
How is she so perfectly saying all the lines to get into everyone’s hearts? She’s seriously got luck.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
is she like his real daughter or something? i don’t know if they’re showing similarities of MC and the duke’s wife for the fun of it or if its actually supposed to mean something. I’m going to look at the spoilers to see if I’m wrong or not.