I Acted As the Adopted Daughter Too Well - Chapter 17
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Those who hate how evil viola is have never read “the way to protect the female leads older brother” lolll bunch of chickens
Cele Onee-chan
I’m convinced yall complaining about her would not survive lol 😂 this is literally a kill or be killed situation you can’t just talk no jutsu your way out of it. In a place where you go to bed and not wake up cause their was poison on your pillow case lol
lol people hating how “evil” she is…if you want a fluffy fl go read a cooking or slice of life manhwa or something
I adore this wicked little monster 🥰
Seriously people that can’t handle a strong villainous character should just piss off and go for a fluffy dumb and innocent mc
@KATANA I suggest you never read Roxana, you couldn’t handle it. And if you don’t like the fl then go away.
Rum Lawrence
When I saw the man sitting on the bench I was like Eren!!? Lol they really similar from behind 😂
I really like how evil she is, even at a grave matter like this she kept her smile and attitude . Atleast she’s better than the naive , kind-hearted,stupid regular fmls . Just wanna see her level headedness throughout the story
i mean bro its that or die so its pretty reasonably, also many others have died because they seem weak and fell to tricks and schemes of those who are stronger and have no mercy or weaknesses
I hate the way the FL smirk, she’s too villainous for me, even in a situation that doesn’t need her to smile in a villainous way, but she always do it, sometimes she needs to smile sincerely its not bad to show emotion sometimes but all chapters I read so far, all she did is smirk in a annoying way it kinda pisses me off and kinda disappointing.