I Acted As the Adopted Daughter Too Well - Chapter 11
You don't have anything in histories
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idk whats going on, but i LIKE IT
Being compassionate is a weakness within their family. You can’t even afford to care for your siblings just because it can be a weakness in your part. Having a soft heart is a virtue she shouldn’t have. She must be rational and stern… letting him off the hook just because she likes him is against the virtues of Vellato.
Although Jeno is her butler, her actions are still being monitored and she’s still being tested whether she’s worthy to be a Vellato or not (not to mention that the butler serves as their master’s right hand man during the succession period; and, butlers whose master was eliminated during the power struggle will be kicked out— Jeno can turn his back on her any time if he sees that she’s not worthy aka too soft to participate in the power struggle)
The kid dared to point a knife to her. Keeping someone like that by her side, she must let the others see that he was tamed and that she will not tolerate any form of rebellion against her by punishing him.
Im feeling some “two souls one body” thing going on here.
It’s funny how her “interior” is so deferent from her facade!! 😂
This creepy smile is totally out of her control.
Rum Lawrence
Whipping him was the correct choice he would’ve died either ways
@julina actually no, no one in the family can disobey the rules, if you are caught disobeying the rules then you’ll be punished
She did the correct thing, if she didn’t whip him then the butler would’ve killed him himself
Yall, her butler, Jeno was LISTENING in (she implies someone would be listening in coz the walls are thin) so, yeah, she had to whip him to retain the illusion that she’s a Vellato thru and thru. If she didn’t, he probably would’ve been killed or disposed of. She knows how awful it is to whip him but, the alternative is worse.
No You didn’t have to whip him you could have just said that you liked him and didn’t want to give scars os his body because then it would have been ugly
Bruh she could’ve solved the problem without the whole whipping thing 💀💀
She didn’t whipped him for pleasure, she did that to save his life and hers, if not butler would have meddled and probably killed him :/
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
i kinda don’t like how she whipped the other boy since she was just saying how bad it was for Vicen’s mother to do it, but oh well. If he’s still loyal to her after that then he must be a masochist lol