BadGirl “The person with the power of the spirits is a person who can express love” this – this does not make any sense December 23, 2023 at 5:58 pm Log in to Reply
Im_into romance The reason I’m reading this is cuz I saw a short of her rejecting blue eyed bitch byw if this was in the 21st century then I would be harassment 😊 November 25, 2023 at 3:18 am Log in to Reply
AArtsy What the bull is it even saying?! “The person with the power of the spirits is a person who can express love”?! What in the worlds?! May 16, 2023 at 9:27 pm Log in to Reply
“The person with the power of the spirits is a person who can express love” this – this does not make any sense
Im_into romance
The reason I’m reading this is cuz I saw a short of her rejecting blue eyed bitch byw if this was in the 21st century then I would be harassment 😊
Def bc of bad translation
So lots of people have spirits
What the bull is it even saying?!
“The person with the power of the spirits is a person who can express love”?! What in the worlds?!