There are currently 67 chapters available on the main manhnwas website. It’s hosted by kakao ‘s site but still remains in Korean only (obv considering its a korean site). You can find is by going to their website and searching 얼떨결에 남주 동생을 구해 버렸다 hope this helps some. I’m unsure if the translator is planning to pick up the latest few chapters but….the latest chapter was published 03.16.24 (ch 67)
yesterday was my birthday….
Harmfulscarp 2017
@Einherra please could you kindly send the link so I could finish the story 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Ugg seriously I get that you don’t want to translate more but really three more chapters and you give up I mean
With only 3 chapters left… seriously?! Thanks a bunch for giving up on the story….
There are currently 67 chapters available on the main manhnwas website. It’s hosted by kakao ‘s site but still remains in Korean only (obv considering its a korean site). You can find is by going to their website and searching 얼떨결에 남주 동생을 구해 버렸다 hope this helps some. I’m unsure if the translator is planning to pick up the latest few chapters but….the latest chapter was published 03.16.24 (ch 67)
Wait what the translation or the manhwa itself????
Yunie Yun
What happened!?
This is not the only manhwa which was finished abruptly.
L O L I don’t think she realizes that’s her subconscious so she pretty much just used her self to forgive herself 😂😂
What do you mean discontinued???