🙄 DENSE FEMALE LEAD HATER 🤬 Blondie with blue eyes ? It looks like a royalty? Is that the crown prince? I remember he had those aspects or did I forgot lmao … Anyways stay back u buffoon! Don’t lay a hand on our precious cookie 💀👎 November 13, 2023 at 6:36 pm Log in to Reply
Happyme Why does that man in the rob want our little muffin died November 12, 2023 at 12:20 am Log in to Reply
Grumpy Cat
Please be as rude as you want …
Blondie with blue eyes ? It looks like a royalty? Is that the crown prince? I remember he had those aspects or did I forgot lmao … Anyways stay back u buffoon! Don’t lay a hand on our precious cookie 💀👎
Why does that man in the rob want our little muffin died
Physics have left the chat 🤣