Why are u two are lying 🎤
Why are u lying 🎤
Ehem anyways duke why are u lying u just wanna kiss her i mean u just want to touch her hair . . .
And Charlotte why are u lying to u just want to kiss him to right ehem i really meant u just want to let him rest and peace oh uhm i mean again rest cuz he
always do his work and do over time and u want him stay by your side right (๑و•̀ω•́)
This is gonna be FUN
And the brothers are hot😍
LoL 0 -
And don’t laugh at my comment it ‘s just that that . . . . .
If u can read this u r a bitch
. And if u read this u r a cute adorable asshole
And again don’t laugh at my comment this comment👇
LoL 0 -
Why are u two are lying 🎤
Why are u lying 🎤
Ehem anyways duke why are u lying u just wanna kiss her i mean u just want to touch her hair . . .
And Charlotte why are u lying to u just want to kiss him to right ehem i really meant u just want to let him rest and peace oh uhm i mean again rest cuz he
always do his work and do over time and u want him stay by your side right (๑و•̀ω•́)
Are every brother and sister in this story not alike in apperance?
Reader is L
Omg the brothers look fine af! 😳
But damn, they are so fineee
Are they really related?? I sometimes think that Theo and her are the real siblings
The family is under debt and their sons looks absolutely unaffected at all.
Damnn they fine af 😫
wasnt expecting such handsome brothers, she has to marry a handsome duke with those two high standards walking around 😂
She doesn’t look like them at all.
@es_wiz Hahaha SO TRUE!!
That is funny🤣
It’s weird that her siblings look just like the duke and the duke’s brother looks like her 🤣🤣🤣