Literally a waste of time what was that 37 chapters of denying when she still chose him like why is she acting acting this is stupid probably gonna stop reading this
Oh come on, it was obvious she was gonna chose him. I rather have it happen fast than waste even more chapters on pretending to reject him
@Moonwater dua lipa lyrics spot on indeed 😂 I immediately started singing that in my head
Literally a waste of time what was that 37 chapters of denying when she still chose him like why is she acting acting this is stupid probably gonna stop reading this
Bruh, I was rooting for the green hair bro
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(¬_¬ )
yeah, i gonna stop reading that
Oh come on, it was obvious she was gonna chose him. I rather have it happen fast than waste even more chapters on pretending to reject him
@Moonwater dua lipa lyrics spot on indeed 😂 I immediately started singing that in my head
At the end she just chose him, then what was all that acting for? Just waste of 37 chapters it seems….
So much for not repeating 🙄🙄 well just have to see if he’ll change this time
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Ok lovely cpls I hope u guys won’t make others sad like the second ml and the lil bro
Yay! Story back disappointed that she still choose him though but still good
I was expecting a little more rejecting but okay
Guess they together now
As they say ‘if your under him then you aint getting over him’
~dua lipa
Oh my, this is the one I was expecting to update! Tysm for the chapter ❤️❤️
I’m very curious about their past life
I guess they really did it
Its back✨