They lived under the same roof though did he also become mute? perhaps lost his voice box lol, Who knows you obsessive fan girls will go to any length just to defend some random garbage.
@darkrosecharm have we once sit down to think that he knew not how to send a text message because he is from another world or know how to date cause he is freaking from another world and she didn’t know he was from another world
0 – Ciel
1 – Morgan
And the number will keep on increasing why because Morgan is the better option sorry ciel but you don’t respect her, listen to her, you don’t even apologize to her so no I hope it isn’t you because you don’t deserve her love and devotion you lost that privilege
The way I started laughing
idk but i like this… i need a therapy, no i think i need God 😭😭😭
Shiv bhatt
They lived under the same roof though did he also become mute? perhaps lost his voice box lol, Who knows you obsessive fan girls will go to any length just to defend some random garbage.
Shiv bhatt
I fucking hate him he’s so full of himself, he only wants her for that guiding bullshit or else he wouldn’t have given a single fuck about her.
@darkrosecharm have we once sit down to think that he knew not how to send a text message because he is from another world or know how to date cause he is freaking from another world and she didn’t know he was from another world
@The Foreign Dancer Who Bewitched The King true tho
I expect a lot of punitions for this unrespectful ML because he has a lot to be sorry for
We need more content😭
Omo, this is getting complicated
Yes lesggooo ml, take her and never return. 🥹🥹
Wow 3 esper are on our fl how is she gonna survive 😔
@The foreign dancer who bewitched the king TBH THO
0 – Ciel
1 – Morgan
And the number will keep on increasing why because Morgan is the better option sorry ciel but you don’t respect her, listen to her, you don’t even apologize to her so no I hope it isn’t you because you don’t deserve her love and devotion you lost that privilege
He got no respect for he
He just kidnapped her
My gosh dude 😑 She better give him one after 😤
The foreign dancer who bewitched the king
We love an obsessive jealous man *only fictional ofc*
I’m sorry this gave me the idk so bad 😭like-
Brother ewwuughhhh
Yes cause kidnapping will make her wanna marry u 👍