Girl! Mr. Cheswick should be suspect #1 (and not for sleeping with maids).
A mysterious new character introduced at the same time as this murder-mystery side-quest. Who had a relationship with the victim that he’s cagey about. Everyone compliments him but none of them know anything of substance about him and he seems distant from everyone. You received a warning to stay away. He always seems to be wherever you are…
Anyone who’s played a game like this would know to start snooping into his business ASAP
@MiscMech I agree with you. It’s dumb of her to let her guard down like that.
Girl! Mr. Cheswick should be suspect #1 (and not for sleeping with maids).
A mysterious new character introduced at the same time as this murder-mystery side-quest. Who had a relationship with the victim that he’s cagey about. Everyone compliments him but none of them know anything of substance about him and he seems distant from everyone. You received a warning to stay away. He always seems to be wherever you are…
Anyone who’s played a game like this would know to start snooping into his business ASAP