How to Hide the Emperor’s Child - Chapter 9
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Cozy Blessed
He hated her father, so he retaliated by hurting his daughter. What a coward.
such a headache from the two of them ughhhh
That witch is so annoying ughh 😑 🙄
That witch is so annoying 😑 🙄
Alma Marvell
The blonde haired girl is so f****** irritating
another witch to ruin my moox
It seems that the emperor love the fl, its just the fl’s father. Don’t hurt a woman who truly loves you too, it might be your greatest karma.
Caralho mano, a menina queria ficar longe da capital justamente por não se envolver com os esquemas da corte e me vem uma caralha dessa. Nossa, tô com raiva, mas vou continuar lendo até o último capítulo lançado e depois eu droppo isso
Is it just me or the art style kinda look like your throne
Yeah, and the fl kinda look like pysche
Kuroo-sanOi Oi Oi
I thought it was just me as well!,’cuz the fl looks like Psyche
So cool
Rain Trevil
HARIMANGA PLS UPDATE ALL 20 HUHUU THANKS The translation is pretty good so far huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
Loveeeeeeeee itt muchhhh! Thankyouuuu so muchh muchh!