How to Hide the Emperor’s Child - Chapter 8
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Yeah yeah buhu I don’t feel shit for him
ooohh a deer, anyone want deer jerky?
even if the backstory was sweet, he is still an asshole. Not to mention why is there a leech eating on the dining table? bruh.
These misunderstandings doesn’t excuse what he put the FL through.
The poor deer
Every chapter is kinda short?
Btw wtf it’s been 8 chapters but its alr giving me a headache ?
Maybe he divorced her after the former emperor died so she wouldn’t be involve with the war they had for 6 years? Oooooor he’s just really shitty from the beginning?
Cliff hanger
So her father is a bastard ?
Why they back story was sweet? It’s different from the first chapter. Ahhh.. So the ML is shitty or not? Im confuseeee…
Anyway, thankyou again for the fast update! Dont forget to rest yaa tl-nim!
I think he actually did love Estelle but because of the Noble faction and want to purge it, he thought that Estelle was on her father’s side. It very well could be that he knew she wasn’t but wanted to protect her. If you recall a few chapters ago, I believe in Chapter 2, he made the comment “Why do you keep running away?” I think he had been looking for her for a while and every time he got close, she fled. Since her maternal grandfather is in his care, I think it might be in reference to that. He probably had the idea of divorcing her and then remarrying her after he suppressed the Nobles but since he’s a jackass, he messed up and she didn’t want anything to do with him.
The FL’s father is a what u call a garbage!!! ??♀️
yes i agree
Turns out like that @Ashikara02