How to Hide the Emperor’s Child - Chapter 71
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yeah, ur the definition of fool….
Sneha das
You are always fool.
Red was super annoying and caused alot of issue so him being gone is good in my eyes.
Wait a sec… no more next button??
Persian is the name of my country ! That’s how my country was called in the past. Please don’t disrespect my country in this manhwa and let it be elegant as it was in the ancient times😭
Still hate the ML. He needs to lose an eye or arm ir leg to redeem anything.
@moonwater from what i remember, he didn’t know either. he fully intended to stay married but then his dad died sooner than expected and everything went tits up, but the marriage gun had already been fired and he couldn’t claw that back. the only way to avoid painting a target on her back was by making her politically uninteresting
I just cant frogive him
I cant
If he was going to divorce her the morning after the wedding he shouldnt have slept with her
Going through the 1st night then abandoning her
nope cant be frogiven