How to Hide the Emperor’s Child - Chapter 51
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Bro guys the ML is not that bad like damn 💀 take your anger out in ACTUAL trash
Frosty Wings
What if her father or Florin’s family took the maid?🤔
“Keep her in the capital”
You’re just looking for excuses to control her and tie her to you! She was perfectly fine in the countryside until you dragged her here and every bit of attention you give her is both unwanted and puts them in more danger.
Why does misunderstanding always happen, just like Regina and Aaron. Haist! Can’t they just say it out loud. ha ha ha
She thinks he’s going to take her son or kill him. She wants to protect her son from her father and being used as a pawn in his schemes.
The emperor still loves her, but knew he couldn’t achieve a better country and rule if he stayed married to her because her dad is crazy. 😐 so now we’re here with even more craziness.
mura man kag wtf kaizen oy
what chapter is this in the novel?
Why does he look like eren in this chapter 🤣🤣🤣
She’s not safe with you 🤣
They were living perfectly fine together until he hunted them down for his own selfish and delusional reasons. Now she and theor need to stay with him so he can keep them safe? Funny how he wants her to stay now when he’s still got nothing under control and that was the “reason” he abandoned her in the first place.
no, he only found out Theor is her son, not her nephew, not knowing he is his son yet
Mc vasachi
Finally he finally found out that theor is his son I though that it would drag on for a while but am glad it didn’t