How to Hide the Emperor’s Child - Chapter 41
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Did what did the punching guy do? ;-;
i kindof feel bad for mr.punching bag…
if she’s so damn concerned for the safety of her son then wouldn’t she be trying to toss her dad in prison??? he’s the most dangerous person for her son. he clearly cares so lil for his family that he’d happily sacrifice them to get what he wants so what’s with the hesitating???.
40 chapters in and they not back together
Bruh she just got permission to send them back but now they have to stay for further investigation I’m so pissed…
my brother in christ.. you are scaring the hoes
this story would be over if she would just agree to testify against her father and admit the assassin was someone she knew who also worked for her father. And that guy deserves to get beat up, he let them go into that forest WHILE they were hunting in it, aside from the assassins someone could have been hurt or mistaken for an animal and killed.
I think the ‘tricky’ element is some imperial B.S. rule where guilt of -Treason- condemns a whole family unit regardless of participation as an extra deterrent of sorts but for absolute asshats like her father the effects on his other family members is inconsequential to him, if he goes down they may as well come along with him but he also has the smug self-rightious belief he won’t be caught.
Nanni??? ???
Cant find a name
Hey, isn’t Theor sleeping in that room??
Yes. but also while sedated so not super likely to wake… but I would love if he does and his eye potion has worn off. That would be like *chef’s kiss * level of mess.
Lmao i dont know why i laughed when he got punched.. It was all of a sudden and not expected.. I also feel bad though ?
Nanni??? ???
you gonna punish him because he let Astele go on that damn pick nick when you were out hunting
The duke of Reston kidnapped Theor…that is the time Astel told Kaizen that Theor is his child..and they also have their second wedding.. though it’s not a fairytale wedding for Astel unlike her first where she’s so excited and happy..their second wedding is as cold as iceberg…
good to know the complete pos of a ml gets everything he wants and we will get some awful ending about “oh she finds out that he did all this for her and falls back in love with him and lives happily ever after.”
When the duke kidnapped Theor..Astel to Kaizen that Theor is their child…
when is he gonna know he is his child ?
When the duke kidnapped Theor..Astel to Kaizen that Theor is their child…
Yeah! Kick his ass! It’s about damn time, that guy is a jerk and his jerkness almost got them and the king killed. Although had you sent her son back when she asked some of this could have been avoided king. I really don’t like the king either while I’m at it.
Damn that punch gotta hurt. But yeah he kinda deserve that. Astel and Theor wouldn’t have been in danger if they weren’t there in the first place. The emperor wouldn’t have to risk his life as well since his guards didn’t have to split-up to protect them.
He deserved that punch lol. For sending both of em to the woods ???