How to Hide the Emperor’s Child - Chapter 10
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Lolli pop
No you pathetic son of a bitch of an emperor… Leave he tf alone, I’m not gonna listen to your wimpy excuses. You have your ML privileges revoked 😒
Frosty Wings
All the FL wants to do is hand over the land and leave. Only ML wants her to stay. But everyone else is being antagonistic towards her. Why? Giving her problems is just going to keep her here longer.
Alma Marvell
Ig he is the villian just a thought
no. she dosen’t want you to read it so buzz off
The urking my last nerve i wanna kill him
I don’t understand, they are the one that needs her why are they acting like that ? you should butter her up instead no ? i’d definitely be like ok i’m leaving this is annoying and just go to the neighbouring country or something
damn ML!
girl, just get your things done there then leave the place!
My blood pressure
Mia Lavender
The ML is indeed such a trash.
Men are so shit
Is the artist same with I wanna be you? I feel same vibes here
Hahahahahaha dasurb?
Rain Trevil
FVCK U RED BASTARD but thanks harimanga huheuehueeu this two faced guy is just so irritating