yoooo her brother is crazy asf, hope Ellen will follow them and find out his true nature… And I mean Isek feels that sth is wrong he also saw her scars on her back this is taking too much time I swear !
Knowing that they are vaguely inspired by Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia, my heart aches. I love them! I know, I know, they’re brother and sister, but there in the TV show it’s CONSENSUAL and they have a relationship and chemistry that I love (If only they weren’t siblings 😭 the show is The Borgias btw)
THIS Cesare though… I hate him, every time I see him blush like that towards her I would like to kill him, not to mention when he treats her a certain way. I’m scared of what might happen in the next chapter.
Please Ellen, save her😭😭🖤
I see many people complaining about how she doesn’t ask for help and is so dense but I think it’s so not true. She’s been severely abused during her TWO lives, of course the trauma is awfully deep. Some people never recover and for others it’s years of therapy. Compared to the beginning, she allowed herself to open up and to hope, thing that was not allowed for her during this life and her previous one. Maybe I’m the only one thinking that she achieved a lot while being in a not-so-good environment, but I’m proud of her.
@penguin_reader WHAT SCENE
also, for those wondering,
Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes a severe and strong fear of gaining weight. You may have a distorted view that you are fat even when you are dangerously thin. You may use extreme exercise, calorie and food limitations, or binging and purging to control your weight.
Why the fuckity fuck is it so short!!!….also….okay don’t come at me but cesare looked hit when he rested his head on the wall blushing a little bit…..but still we can’t forgive that monster!!!!
is he blushing..!? he’s so creepy… i feel disgusted everytime i see him on screen… the unnecessary touching… unnecessary conversation everything is so disturbing about him…
Author keeps dragging this unpleasantness …anyways fmcee is dense. I get psychological trauma but you have a husband you can lean on and you have never once reached out for help. In a way she has let the situation proceed tacitly. Makes no sense how traumatic the past is….you are now married to a man of status …speak the eff up!
I feel you, man.
So many of these manhwas make the FL so reluctant to let MLs ever just help them.
It’s even odder considering she’s reincarnated and this guy is technically just a complete stranger that keeps feeling her up…
yoooo her brother is crazy asf, hope Ellen will follow them and find out his true nature… And I mean Isek feels that sth is wrong he also saw her scars on her back this is taking too much time I swear !
I think i know what is going to happen and i hope i’m right!!
my name
Knowing that they are vaguely inspired by Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia, my heart aches. I love them! I know, I know, they’re brother and sister, but there in the TV show it’s CONSENSUAL and they have a relationship and chemistry that I love (If only they weren’t siblings 😭 the show is The Borgias btw)
THIS Cesare though… I hate him, every time I see him blush like that towards her I would like to kill him, not to mention when he treats her a certain way. I’m scared of what might happen in the next chapter.
Please Ellen, save her😭😭🖤
Yep now isek is going to beat his ass up soon wait u all
And its going to be traumatizing but you’ll know how much isek loves ruby ❤
Uh.. I kill him..what type of dude are you as her brother you freaking bastard blushing over her?…
Please ..go away and…
I see many people complaining about how she doesn’t ask for help and is so dense but I think it’s so not true. She’s been severely abused during her TWO lives, of course the trauma is awfully deep. Some people never recover and for others it’s years of therapy. Compared to the beginning, she allowed herself to open up and to hope, thing that was not allowed for her during this life and her previous one. Maybe I’m the only one thinking that she achieved a lot while being in a not-so-good environment, but I’m proud of her.
@penguin_reader WHAT SCENE
also, for those wondering,
Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes a severe and strong fear of gaining weight. You may have a distorted view that you are fat even when you are dangerously thin. You may use extreme exercise, calorie and food limitations, or binging and purging to control your weight.
Why the fuckity fuck is it so short!!!….also….okay don’t come at me but cesare looked hit when he rested his head on the wall blushing a little bit…..but still we can’t forgive that monster!!!!
What? It’s going to happen this soon? I didn’t expect.
Someone pull a bulldozer over him or i will
is he blushing..!? he’s so creepy… i feel disgusted everytime i see him on screen… the unnecessary touching… unnecessary conversation everything is so disturbing about him…
I’m not ready for the next chapter. Not that scene! 😰😰
Go away you @sshole
Author keeps dragging this unpleasantness …anyways fmcee is dense. I get psychological trauma but you have a husband you can lean on and you have never once reached out for help. In a way she has let the situation proceed tacitly. Makes no sense how traumatic the past is….you are now married to a man of status …speak the eff up!
I feel you, man.
So many of these manhwas make the FL so reluctant to let MLs ever just help them.
It’s even odder considering she’s reincarnated and this guy is technically just a complete stranger that keeps feeling her up…
Like, when ever I see this guy he gives me the chills and ruin the mood for me😩
I swear if this black hyena tries something on Ruby in that garden -!!!
Um…I went to check Likemanga and it has better and clear translation than magus manga.
This fucker I want to burn him alive
Someone freaking burn this bastard alive agh😭
This manhwa is just as painful as it is good