@Toshiya Ruby doesnt only have the incest rumors. There are also the rumor that she and her family cancelled the engagement intentionnaly. And i think Izek is aware like most people of the rumors . The fact the she is the villainess daughter of the corrupt pope
Well, readers know that Ruby is not the Pope’s bio-daughter, but inside the story, they know she is a bio-daughter, only a few knew she’s really not like Ceasar. And incest? Yes & no, No because they never had sexual relationship, and Yes because Ceasar implied to all Ruby’s suitors that there is something going on with them, and Freya’s brother was the first to mention they have sexual relationship (refer to ch33), which is one of the things that scares Ruby because Ceasar had manipulated the people to believe that if anything happens, Ruby has no other choice but to run back to him. And apparently, Izek is not aware of the rumors… As per the novel, I think it’s going to be in the next 5 chapter of the manhwa where Ceasar will tell Ruby to go back to Romagna with him, if that’s not within 5 more chapters, then probably next 10chapters.
Guys Cesare is the CEO. The arbishop is a mere subordinate of his. He can fire him if he want to. And also who does he think he is to talk about people education. Does torturing someone means education? And also @KATANA there are better people with black hair u should love. Cesare is a no-no.👎
Firstly, I agree the first half was pretty satisfying till this mother f$^ker of brother showed his face. And yeah he is pretty much harassing her, you don’t even know what f^$ked up things he’s gonna do to her in future 🤢🤢🤮🤮 oh and it’s not incest, they are not blood related. Remember, ruby was adopted…
I smell incest😨😨this ceasar is handsome but the screw in his head is loose🙄🙄but i admit, he’s good looking than the ml, I love guys who have black hair..
Okay this is awkward
This is annoying to read 😤😤😫
Obese Lizard
@Toshiya Ruby doesnt only have the incest rumors. There are also the rumor that she and her family cancelled the engagement intentionnaly. And i think Izek is aware like most people of the rumors . The fact the she is the villainess daughter of the corrupt pope
I really don’t like him 😐
ugh he’s so annoying
The biggest red flag I have seen
Well, readers know that Ruby is not the Pope’s bio-daughter, but inside the story, they know she is a bio-daughter, only a few knew she’s really not like Ceasar. And incest? Yes & no, No because they never had sexual relationship, and Yes because Ceasar implied to all Ruby’s suitors that there is something going on with them, and Freya’s brother was the first to mention they have sexual relationship (refer to ch33), which is one of the things that scares Ruby because Ceasar had manipulated the people to believe that if anything happens, Ruby has no other choice but to run back to him. And apparently, Izek is not aware of the rumors… As per the novel, I think it’s going to be in the next 5 chapter of the manhwa where Ceasar will tell Ruby to go back to Romagna with him, if that’s not within 5 more chapters, then probably next 10chapters.
Obese Lizard
Guys Cesare is the CEO. The arbishop is a mere subordinate of his. He can fire him if he want to. And also who does he think he is to talk about people education. Does torturing someone means education? And also @KATANA there are better people with black hair u should love. Cesare is a no-no.👎
Firstly, I agree the first half was pretty satisfying till this mother f$^ker of brother showed his face. And yeah he is pretty much harassing her, you don’t even know what f^$ked up things he’s gonna do to her in future 🤢🤢🤮🤮 oh and it’s not incest, they are not blood related. Remember, ruby was adopted…
I smell incest😨😨this ceasar is handsome but the screw in his head is loose🙄🙄but i admit, he’s good looking than the ml, I love guys who have black hair..
Obese Lizard
The scene when she is telling her uncle to stop talking is sus. Meaning she and her uncle are hiding something. 🧐 Its “that” .
Hint: 🎭
Ooh I see
What does he meant by Ruby did something?
Red flag red flag red flag
This ch was satisfying 😌
Ewwwww, brother. MY POOR RUBI 😢😭
is caesar sexually harassing his sister or am I hallucinating ????😭😭😭🤢🤢🤢
the way he touches her and talk with her feels inappropriate.
He make me sick ew
oh i thought there might be a cesar freya team up, but i guess he can’t abide rubi being bullied by anyone other than him