Sorry i love the ml bcs hes good looking but when I saw Ruby’s brother I’m thinking of izek should be in the role of Ruby’s brother bcs he looks like more of serving the church thank Ruby’s bro, I mean izek’s looks is like a priest, and Ruby’s bro is more like a knight, it’s better if the author made Ruby’s bro as the ml (bcs of his looks, he’s more handsome and manly than izek tbh) while izek’s look is more of the looks of priest who serve God but behind that priest look he’s a psycho hahaha, just my suggestion.. I like izek but in terms of looks ill go for Ruby’s bro
Ew not this ugly ass bitch.this disgusting man makes me want to puke every time I flipping see him in the screen because of what he did to ruby in this arc in the novel 😭
@Ayunurullah. U can’t call Cesare’s feelings romantic. He is just obsessed with her to the point that he wont hesited to hurt her. He is a walking psychopath
*Takes a butchers knife*
Well someines going to die hehehehe >:)
Oh the brothers here
Ew I hope he dies
Xd “uh cursed?! Dang bro he ded”
Ugh that creep
*pulls out the nerf gun and ammo I have been saving for this moment*
ugh i forgot abt that idiot brother.
Crazy__ imagination
@Please Love The Villainess
Please Love the Villainess
And here comes the anticipated scenes well im glad I stock up the chapters so I wont be cliff——-> hanged lol
Omg that was a jumpscare
Nooooo I hate everyone in her family 😭
Awww. The author skipped a steamy scene. Izek is supposed to put her on his desk and lift up her skirt. They are supposed to do the deed 🥺
duhh…Izek is more handsome. Wait for these two to stand next to each other. I bet that brother will look like a squid.
Sorry i love the ml bcs hes good looking but when I saw Ruby’s brother I’m thinking of izek should be in the role of Ruby’s brother bcs he looks like more of serving the church thank Ruby’s bro, I mean izek’s looks is like a priest, and Ruby’s bro is more like a knight, it’s better if the author made Ruby’s bro as the ml (bcs of his looks, he’s more handsome and manly than izek tbh) while izek’s look is more of the looks of priest who serve God but behind that priest look he’s a psycho hahaha, just my suggestion.. I like izek but in terms of looks ill go for Ruby’s bro
Shet i’m sure she is going to suffer a lot🥲
I JUST feat that FL or Izek will be poisoned🥀
The face of a sibling when receiving an apology out of nowhere 🤣
PS: Cardinal Valentino has. Dio -esque vibes. Handsome but something lose in the head.
The last panel is literally a trash can are they that lazy to draw
Ew not this ugly ass bitch.this disgusting man makes me want to puke every time I flipping see him in the screen because of what he did to ruby in this arc in the novel 😭
Obese Lizard
@Ayunurullah. U can’t call Cesare’s feelings romantic. He is just obsessed with her to the point that he wont hesited to hurt her. He is a walking psychopath