can we talk about izek’s character development? 🥺 before when ruby would talk down on herself and say that she’s a bother to him/others, he would just blankly stare and say that she wasn’t or would just dismiss it. now that they have feelings for each other, he got really angry when ruby said she was a bother. “who told you that?” as if he was super angry at the thought of someone telling ruby she was a bother when he’s finally starting to realize that she has low self-esteem and he’s actively trying to let her know that she’ll never be a bother to him. !!! 🥺🥺 it is so sweet to see the way they interact with each other has changed 💕💕
I just read it now but i did saw it a while ago, up and loaded (in eng) around 20mins after released (i follow kakaopage time clock though)… If this was from kkpage, that’s just wow, a very very quick release!!! Thank you 😊😊
Andy reactions r the best!!!
Lol they bribed her with chocolate
ok this is so random but as soon as I saw the name Iske I thought of Isko help 😭😭😭😭 (I’m Filipino)
Sir Andymion feels like he is her brother 🤣🤣
Uh ohhhhhhh :O
how many names does this boy have atp? izek, isek, iske, iz???
pick one
Andymion mahh boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. and also that blue haired dude deserve the punch from Iske. He was rude to my baby RUBY afterall
can we talk about izek’s character development? 🥺 before when ruby would talk down on herself and say that she’s a bother to him/others, he would just blankly stare and say that she wasn’t or would just dismiss it. now that they have feelings for each other, he got really angry when ruby said she was a bother. “who told you that?” as if he was super angry at the thought of someone telling ruby she was a bother when he’s finally starting to realize that she has low self-esteem and he’s actively trying to let her know that she’ll never be a bother to him. !!! 🥺🥺 it is so sweet to see the way they interact with each other has changed 💕💕
I’m relieved that Izek is not the one behind that wolf’s misery 😅. How cute of him caring for his little Ruby,so sweet
Now y’all like Ruby when y’all skeot doubting her when Freya the B is poisoned! Only Andy is allowed to be touched grrr
They are the characters. They are not readers who have all information to judge people.
yeahhh i like it when ruby wants to be of help
cresie bowman
You are so fast, but he is izek not iske. That keep bothering me 😅
Anya forger
Why so short?
I just read it now but i did saw it a while ago, up and loaded (in eng) around 20mins after released (i follow kakaopage time clock though)… If this was from kkpage, that’s just wow, a very very quick release!!! Thank you 😊😊
Thankyou harimanga for update