exactly like the people in this manhwa are kinda stupid, like blaming ruby for no reason??? and then again everyone here is just idiotic, like the dragon didn’t eat her, so assume shes OKAY!
She doesn’t have to tell gim the dragon is harmless. It hasn’t hurt her or showed signs of agression toward her. She is standing in front of it and the last time he saw her, she was carried off by the dragon. If she’s still alive, assume the dragon did nothing.
“why doesn’t he just leave?” Because his wife is ‘kidnapped’ by a dragon, something that is known as a monster to them, something that he as a knight is supposed to kill. He as a knight should protect a person if that said person is in a situation like her.
“The dragon is not a threat to her” well he doesn’t know, why? Because she never told him. she never told anything to him except for the words she said to trick him.
True but she doesn’t currently know that. She only thinks that he’s mad at her or blames her for what happens to Freya so she obviously doesn’t want to go back bc she still kind of scared of him. He has not really made his sentiments known to her yet. She even thought that he might not come looking for her
Like duh of you’re in your right mind will you let your wife be taken by a dragon? If you want to leave your husband file a divorce and talk to him. Seeing you being taken by dragons and monster will only make him worry
she is good at hitting targets
She throws a mashroom in his face but i laughed 😂
I love the comments so much😭😭
Dear Lord
When I get to heaven
Please let me have a dragon.
I love the dragon sooooooooo muchhhh! Fuck Izek or whatever. He can rott with Freya.!!
exactly like the people in this manhwa are kinda stupid, like blaming ruby for no reason??? and then again everyone here is just idiotic, like the dragon didn’t eat her, so assume shes OKAY!
The way she threw that mushroom at him
Ditch the guy Marry the dragon
She doesn’t have to tell gim the dragon is harmless. It hasn’t hurt her or showed signs of agression toward her. She is standing in front of it and the last time he saw her, she was carried off by the dragon. If she’s still alive, assume the dragon did nothing.
its giving Daenerys Targaryen
“why doesn’t he just leave?” Because his wife is ‘kidnapped’ by a dragon, something that is known as a monster to them, something that he as a knight is supposed to kill. He as a knight should protect a person if that said person is in a situation like her.
“The dragon is not a threat to her” well he doesn’t know, why? Because she never told him. she never told anything to him except for the words she said to trick him.
I say stay with the dragon least you will be safe and care for hehehehe
SHE’S A DISNEY PRINCESS- also how to tame a dragon 2.0
True but she doesn’t currently know that. She only thinks that he’s mad at her or blames her for what happens to Freya so she obviously doesn’t want to go back bc she still kind of scared of him. He has not really made his sentiments known to her yet. She even thought that he might not come looking for her
Like duh of you’re in your right mind will you let your wife be taken by a dragon? If you want to leave your husband file a divorce and talk to him. Seeing you being taken by dragons and monster will only make him worry