Man after reading the novel I’m definitely disappointed in how much they shortened it the “When I’m with him, I’m not just a queen, I’m a goddess. When he looks at me, I feel like I’m the only girl in the world. When he looks at me, I don’t have a single flaw. I’m a goddess in his eyes. I’m perfect. Who knew that being loved would feel like this?”” It needed to be here
Do people ACTUALLY feel bad for him? I believe in “Villains are made, not born” but I will NEVER feel bad for this bastard.
There comes a point that you CANNOT feel bad for someone anymore and he’s crossed that line over and over again.
He’s rotten at heart, The only thing he deserves is hell
Idk why these comparing manhwa with novel its true that in novel there are much more things which didn’t shows in this chapter bcoz of violence but showing so much pain (as a picture) are not good…..reading novel where you read about story but compare to manhwa or manga they shows the people,art, facial expressions( I don’t know if I will be able to see Ruby’s pain any more and i don’t want them to show more violence )
The reason novel readers are a bit disappointed was because of the disparity of intensity of this scene between the two mediums. In the novel its ALOT more violent, both physically and emotionally. Ruby snaps, all of the resentment, fear and anguish just erupts and she let’s him have it. This causes Cesare to snap and he starts beating the shit out of her. If I remember right, he’s also sexually assaulting her at the same time. By the time Izek arrives, she’s barely conscious and covered in blood. They also don’t do this in a hallway, they do it in a closed room. When the door opens, it’s not just Izek whose there either, there are quite a few people who get to witness this. So it’s finally all out in the open, why Ruby is the way she is and it’s revealed in the most violent and spectacular fashion possible.
ohhh man this is it guys this is the good part ive been waiting for ..izek heard EVERYTHING holy crap …next chapter is gonna get crazy good
@Jiah07 thanks for telling us. It gives me a much better picture of the whole story. ❤️
Man after reading the novel I’m definitely disappointed in how much they shortened it the “When I’m with him, I’m not just a queen, I’m a goddess. When he looks at me, I feel like I’m the only girl in the world. When he looks at me, I don’t have a single flaw. I’m a goddess in his eyes. I’m perfect. Who knew that being loved would feel like this?”” It needed to be here
Someone spoil me is he dead??? Oh how I hope he’s dead, please be dead.
For anyone asking which chapter is this in the novel its 105th
This is going to drive me crazy also where can you find the novel
WHAT CHAPTER IS THIS IN THE NOVEL?????? (sorry guys I really really appreciate violence on ceaser’s death😍)
Do people ACTUALLY feel bad for him? I believe in “Villains are made, not born” but I will NEVER feel bad for this bastard.
There comes a point that you CANNOT feel bad for someone anymore and he’s crossed that line over and over again.
He’s rotten at heart, The only thing he deserves is hell
Avria Solana
I feel bad for her brother though… There must reason why he did that.
@Animebabes 105th chapter
Idk why these comparing manhwa with novel its true that in novel there are much more things which didn’t shows in this chapter bcoz of violence but showing so much pain (as a picture) are not good…..reading novel where you read about story but compare to manhwa or manga they shows the people,art, facial expressions( I don’t know if I will be able to see Ruby’s pain any more and i don’t want them to show more violence )
What chapter in the jovel does this happen please
The reason novel readers are a bit disappointed was because of the disparity of intensity of this scene between the two mediums. In the novel its ALOT more violent, both physically and emotionally. Ruby snaps, all of the resentment, fear and anguish just erupts and she let’s him have it. This causes Cesare to snap and he starts beating the shit out of her. If I remember right, he’s also sexually assaulting her at the same time. By the time Izek arrives, she’s barely conscious and covered in blood. They also don’t do this in a hallway, they do it in a closed room. When the door opens, it’s not just Izek whose there either, there are quite a few people who get to witness this. So it’s finally all out in the open, why Ruby is the way she is and it’s revealed in the most violent and spectacular fashion possible.