They’re so far away from the table. The portion and sizes of the foods are really big. I can understand that she has that whole chicken on her plate for some funny content. But babe, that steak is bigger than their damn face.
why cant they just draw the food normally. The food looks obviously like a real photo of steak bruh. Also who serves a whole chicken??? Is this imperial palace or KFC. I mean- not bc the emperor looks like one but like yeah
lol with all those place settings filled with food, why not just take the plate next to you that’s got another steak on it, why a whole chicken?
Hahhaa I like him getting pissed..I would have eaten extra slow if I were her…get burnt grandpa
girl must really be hungry eating a whole chicken. i guess the artist was hungry
They’re so far away from the table. The portion and sizes of the foods are really big. I can understand that she has that whole chicken on her plate for some funny content. But babe, that steak is bigger than their damn face.
Bwahahaha, I find it ridiculous that she has a whole chicken on her plate! ?
why cant they just draw the food normally. The food looks obviously like a real photo of steak bruh. Also who serves a whole chicken??? Is this imperial palace or KFC. I mean- not bc the emperor looks like one but like yeah
um frango simplesmente inteiro no prato!!!! ahahahahahha adoro!
I simp for himbos
A whole chicken?!?!
Holy- Bet she is gona faint again lol
Hello its me
She must be really hungry
.. a whole chicken for a single female guest in a royal dinner? are you mocking her…?
How is going to eat that without hands?
did I just see a whole chicken on her plate?