I love you harimanga Wew surely the system is broken, such strong jealousy with just 1 affection point, really?? I can’t imagine what happened if the number goes up to 2 or even 5? September 11, 2022 at 1:07 am Log in to Reply
HoneyToast Fr fr at first I was like ooh jealousy, do we have an epiphany? But no, his eyes look straight up murderous ? August 16, 2022 at 12:26 pm
I love you harimanga
Wew surely the system is broken, such strong jealousy with just 1 affection point, really?? I can’t imagine what happened if the number goes up to 2 or even 5?
he’s jealous and what he said was not cute
Fr fr at first I was like ooh jealousy, do we have an epiphany? But no, his eyes look straight up murderous ?