RavenJovan He’s so adamant that she is his enemy that he’s blinded by his rage September 24, 2022 at 3:25 am Log in to Reply
Mariposa But if she tells everyone that she saw you sleepwalking around that palace like you possessed you gone be mad. Leave this girl alone? September 1, 2022 at 2:38 am Log in to Reply
Rococochoco I still think deep down he upset she’s not actively pursuing him any more, he just hasn’t realized it yet August 9, 2022 at 10:45 pm Log in to Reply
Changemyname Ugh why does he care? Isn’t better that she acts like she didn’t see a grown ass future sleep walking cry for his mother? August 9, 2022 at 5:00 pm Log in to Reply
He’s so adamant that she is his enemy that he’s blinded by his rage
But if she tells everyone that she saw you sleepwalking around that palace like you possessed you gone be mad. Leave this girl alone?
I still think deep down he upset she’s not actively pursuing him any more, he just hasn’t realized it yet
Tsk. Ca he just stop bothering her?
Ugh why does he care? Isn’t better that she acts like she didn’t see a grown ass future sleep walking cry for his mother?
Omg ? the way you worded this makes it sound hilarious
I love you harimanga
Ikr lol smh what does he want really