I like this so far! It feels like she’s a bit awkward, at least for me.. And that’s great because most Mc’s that this happens to, are way too good at it. Like they’d been waiting for that moment to go into a novel for their whole life lol. And she’s just been trying her best, and it feels more realistic!
She’s hilarious, so far it’s been great 😆
i wish i could crawl in this thing and steal that dress it’s sooo pretty!
first time i have seen a fl greatful for low stamina….
I like this so far! It feels like she’s a bit awkward, at least for me.. And that’s great because most Mc’s that this happens to, are way too good at it. Like they’d been waiting for that moment to go into a novel for their whole life lol. And she’s just been trying her best, and it feels more realistic!