For that long black haired mate with red eyes kindly kidnap that pink haired princess and make her your lover…..that ml is a garbage…and why she’s so stupid to still hold onto him…girl you deserve someone better than that trash ml…..
Yeah,more than annoying….I don’t believe the ml knows nothing about dating and flirting… it’s so obvious that he’s handling women all his life,just the FL is easy to get and read….girl there are many handsome men in the world,.. you’re so stupid to cling onto him,for what??? Just for a heartache???? Stupid….
The AUDACITY of this man to ask if FL will stay after saying he’s just using her. I wish him nothing but pain and suffering. I want this novel to end with him falling pathetically in love with her while she leaves him for a man that actually respects and values her. I want him to beg like a dog for scraps of her attention while she thrives. I hope he dies.
It doesn’t really make sense why he needs a “lover” to do anything. He has a pretty maid that is a talented fighter if he only needed someone to get into areas that wouldn’t allow for just himself to enter. Also would likely be more obedient and more predicable.
The ml is strait BOOTY CRUMBSS 🤮🤮🤮🤮
ml is disgusting 🤮
For that long black haired mate with red eyes kindly kidnap that pink haired princess and make her your lover…..that ml is a garbage…and why she’s so stupid to still hold onto him…girl you deserve someone better than that trash ml…..
EWWWHHHHH this is annoying, bye I’ll stop here
Yeah,more than annoying….I don’t believe the ml knows nothing about dating and flirting… it’s so obvious that he’s handling women all his life,just the FL is easy to get and read….girl there are many handsome men in the world,.. you’re so stupid to cling onto him,for what??? Just for a heartache???? Stupid….
The AUDACITY of this man to ask if FL will stay after saying he’s just using her. I wish him nothing but pain and suffering. I want this novel to end with him falling pathetically in love with her while she leaves him for a man that actually respects and values her. I want him to beg like a dog for scraps of her attention while she thrives. I hope he dies.
I fucking hate the ml.
Why is he even the ml.
Like literally, shes trying so hard to maintain their relationship and he doesnt do anything.
It doesn’t really make sense why he needs a “lover” to do anything. He has a pretty maid that is a talented fighter if he only needed someone to get into areas that wouldn’t allow for just himself to enter. Also would likely be more obedient and more predicable.
I kinda feel sorry for the Fl she’s giving it her all and he’s half asking it