Ms.loveitt said it, normally you’d have one egg per month, with twins being the most common exception, fraternal being an ovum from each fallopian tube (not identical or dizygotic) and identical being a single egg that has split where the twins will be identical including being the same sex. Unless you tracked the exact month you became pregnant and was able to successfully impregnate on the few days of egg viability on that month, the chances that you will have the same baby you had in your previous life are slim. Not to mention raising them to be the same ppl would be near impossible without the same conditions, their personalities will change.
oh this feels really sad, to think that even if she has children that are looking the same maybe they are not the same souls… and even if they are different in looks maybe they are the same soul but she won’t ever know that and will just continue to miss her children from her past life…
I would fall into depression with that
In theory besides the novel if anyone came back in time but still wanted to have the SAME exact child with all the same features (since generally kids all look different expect for twins) you would have to conceive at the exact day, hour, and seconds to get the same child. If you concieve on the same day and hour but not the same second the chances of you not getting pregnant or having a different looking child or if you had 1 boy and 1 girl then coming back you could have 2 boys or 1 child and a miscarriage. Honestly going back in time means the possibility if meeting the exact child is so low. I’ve thought about this theory before because I’d LOVE to go back and just make smarter decisions.
sooo seems like her kids got sacrificed in order for her to have a second life… i guess that means one or both of them aren’t able to be born again since they were sacrificed?
but tbh even if this plot point didn’t happen, i feel like it would still be odd for her to give birth to the same two children again, considering how much they do it compared to the previous timeline.
Yeah I was thinking that was the case. The sage is sort of hinting but not hinting that it was her children that made the sacrifice to rewind time. That’s so sad. She’ll be heartbroken when she figures it out.
Well yeah of couse she want to see her children again. She had loved them for so long and knowing that they do not exist in this new reality must cause her great pain.
But at the same time, realistically speaking, this can’t happen because of how one does become pregnant and the randomness involved with it. Also she does spent more nights with her hubby, so this makes it even harder for things to happen again like in her first life
Ms.loveitt said it, normally you’d have one egg per month, with twins being the most common exception, fraternal being an ovum from each fallopian tube (not identical or dizygotic) and identical being a single egg that has split where the twins will be identical including being the same sex. Unless you tracked the exact month you became pregnant and was able to successfully impregnate on the few days of egg viability on that month, the chances that you will have the same baby you had in your previous life are slim. Not to mention raising them to be the same ppl would be near impossible without the same conditions, their personalities will change.
oh this feels really sad, to think that even if she has children that are looking the same maybe they are not the same souls… and even if they are different in looks maybe they are the same soul but she won’t ever know that and will just continue to miss her children from her past life…
I would fall into depression with that
In theory besides the novel if anyone came back in time but still wanted to have the SAME exact child with all the same features (since generally kids all look different expect for twins) you would have to conceive at the exact day, hour, and seconds to get the same child. If you concieve on the same day and hour but not the same second the chances of you not getting pregnant or having a different looking child or if you had 1 boy and 1 girl then coming back you could have 2 boys or 1 child and a miscarriage. Honestly going back in time means the possibility if meeting the exact child is so low. I’ve thought about this theory before because I’d LOVE to go back and just make smarter decisions.
sooo seems like her kids got sacrificed in order for her to have a second life… i guess that means one or both of them aren’t able to be born again since they were sacrificed?
but tbh even if this plot point didn’t happen, i feel like it would still be odd for her to give birth to the same two children again, considering how much they do it compared to the previous timeline.
I saw the novel spoiler :(( it was the
Her Children were the sacrifice:< not sure who but one of them sacrificed themselves
I feel like their son was a promising mage or something.
Yeah I was thinking that was the case. The sage is sort of hinting but not hinting that it was her children that made the sacrifice to rewind time. That’s so sad. She’ll be heartbroken when she figures it out.
So either her kids, her husband or all of them sacrificed themselves for her to live? And how does he know all this did he also come back in time ?
Whattttttt? Maybe The children are the price???
Well yeah of couse she want to see her children again. She had loved them for so long and knowing that they do not exist in this new reality must cause her great pain.
But at the same time, realistically speaking, this can’t happen because of how one does become pregnant and the randomness involved with it. Also she does spent more nights with her hubby, so this makes it even harder for things to happen again like in her first life
Its a shame, the raw have 2 updates but only one is being translated.
Link please you