The kids are being lil brats, sure, but it’s understandable why they think the Baron is undeserving of the sister they love very much. They should really talk to her instead. It’s like FLs misery in her 1st life was due to bad communicating with the people around her.
Like, literally, it’s like a husband and his wife… Though here she is the husband and he the wife… so it probably very much impossible that those little kidos to win v:
The power of love is too stronk.
Hahaha protective siblings are cute
L family
Kinda a plot hole. If she was so loved why did no one visit or help her in the first life?
Stop bullying him please ?
Lol…little brother is funny if he thinks what he’s doing is going to work. Sia always has an answer to everything.
Hey, if you care about spoilers, don’t read the comment section in the next chapter. Someone got the first comment and it’s a spoiler ?
Adeknya cemburu wkwk
This is so cute. He can’t accept the fact that his sister has been taken HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Brother needs to mind his own fucking business and not be a stupid lil brat
The kids are being lil brats, sure, but it’s understandable why they think the Baron is undeserving of the sister they love very much. They should really talk to her instead. It’s like FLs misery in her 1st life was due to bad communicating with the people around her.
Such lovey dovey couple?
Wtf is this little brats problem….? That’s very lowly behaviour…..the fuk!!! Anyways…. I’m sooo proud of zester……….. he is just too adorable ????
Like, literally, it’s like a husband and his wife… Though here she is the husband and he the wife… so it probably very much impossible that those little kidos to win v:
GET OVER IT you weird little shit!!!!
>:( >:(
Fuck off you little shits ??