He’s Not Just a Pretty Face - Chapter 30
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I don’t blame the FL if she feels nothing towards the ml. I hate the ml for being dense,although he knows that Olivia is causing trouble to the FL(gossips and etc) he didnt even bother to send Olivia back to her own home, and now he’s carrying him in front of many ppl like he’s showing it to all ppl that he have relationship to his own cousin😒if he really thinks of his wife why not call a knight to carry that bitch instead of him(a married man), the mere fact that he prioritized Olivia over his wife is a dumbest move he did.he didn’t think of his wife’s dignity, that’s why I agree with the fl”hes just a face”but no brains.
But the title stated otherwise…that he is not just a pretty face😁….so Iet’s see as to how it would unfold
Well the FL is not wrong though..she’s right. Like….I know the ML is a great commander but as a husband…….not so much I guess…so yep just a pretty face😅…haha….let’s see how the story goes…both of them really need the time to be together and get to know each other well. ML will need to work hard now though….all this time he showed great dislike towards his wife😁
To be fair… she doesn’t see him fight he is clearly a good enough commander on the battlefield all she kinda sees is a grumpy handsome dude who needs to be taught business.
Guess im bad like the fl. I mean, hes really just a pretty face. But I love how the story goes.