He’s Not Just a Pretty Face - Chapter 11
You don't have anything in histories
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mil-ih idk if youve seen the dresses that this era wears but they are HUGE like huge and everyone who wears heels suffer by wearing wooden heels.. which are very uncomfortable and painful to some degree with zero support. which i guess this is why this happens
Peanut allergies kill. They should have alerted the staff when she arrived. That one incident was understandable.
How come people always spill tea over other people’s clothes? Do you know how many things have to go wrong until you pour tea over someone?
The author wouldn’t make this a this a thing unless they were planning on using it later on
Well I don’t think Ayla even knows about it yet bc I don’t think anyone mentioned it to her so I bet she’ll eat some unaware later on and it’ll cause a whole drama
@Knm1991 Yeah true lol
MC better be careful of people continue to not take her peanut allergy seriously. At this rate she could die and the comic would end early lol.