I am dropping this
this is bull**** how can someone be this dumb she even needed to go there for a second time to “confirm” she should have seen that old hag’s red flag when she slapped her for no reason she just tried to open the door and she got slapped then got carried to that room then that old hag got out a whip then wanted to whip her then FL said that she was warm and kind and blablablah wth is this?
Can this get even worst?
And it has a review of almost 5 stars? Are they blind or am i 🤨
I imagine the kid was taken as “insurance”.. to be sure either there’s no illegitimate child running amok displeasing the hamilton bitches, to have a back up heir ready should any heir from new hamilton bitch pass away, and/or to ensure a heir in the case of if new hamilton bitch turns out to be infertile since nobles like them clearly value bloodline a lot so just adopting a random child wouldn’t do for them.
sigh, I’m surprised old hag cared for the child considering her behavior I thought she won’t be able to stand illegitimate stuff but well… his wife & FL looks so similar & bastard is whole different level entity… well I didn’t wanted FL to take them to the child, rather ask them for some time & escape but well as if they’d let her go well now… if the wife had child what will happen to FL’s daughter
This is interesting but not to mention she was dumb to believe that wench
I am dropping this
this is bull**** how can someone be this dumb she even needed to go there for a second time to “confirm” she should have seen that old hag’s red flag when she slapped her for no reason she just tried to open the door and she got slapped then got carried to that room then that old hag got out a whip then wanted to whip her then FL said that she was warm and kind and blablablah wth is this?
Can this get even worst?
And it has a review of almost 5 stars? Are they blind or am i 🤨
Did they really have to make her that stupid
I imagine the kid was taken as “insurance”.. to be sure either there’s no illegitimate child running amok displeasing the hamilton bitches, to have a back up heir ready should any heir from new hamilton bitch pass away, and/or to ensure a heir in the case of if new hamilton bitch turns out to be infertile since nobles like them clearly value bloodline a lot so just adopting a random child wouldn’t do for them.
sigh, I’m surprised old hag cared for the child considering her behavior I thought she won’t be able to stand illegitimate stuff but well… his wife & FL looks so similar & bastard is whole different level entity… well I didn’t wanted FL to take them to the child, rather ask them for some time & escape but well as if they’d let her go well now… if the wife had child what will happen to FL’s daughter