Oof. Comments have pulled me in. Time to ignore and enjoy. . . . yeah, her decision this time doesn’t thrill me either, but the show must go on, as they say.
What the fuck is this stupidity? You’re a celestial for fucks sakes and they’re measly humans. No need for politics or idiotic moves like this. Teleport to the mention, murder everybody and take your child back. Explain everything to the child and I bet she’s going to understand everything, since she’s being deceived into thinking that bitch is her real mother. What is there for you to fear?
Oof. Comments have pulled me in. Time to ignore and enjoy. . . . yeah, her decision this time doesn’t thrill me either, but the show must go on, as they say.
k I’m dropping this what the fuck
What the fuck is this stupidity? You’re a celestial for fucks sakes and they’re measly humans. No need for politics or idiotic moves like this. Teleport to the mention, murder everybody and take your child back. Explain everything to the child and I bet she’s going to understand everything, since she’s being deceived into thinking that bitch is her real mother. What is there for you to fear?
omg i love the ml so much
@Lightning-Kun bro shut your ass up, your annoying af
what’s wrong with this bastard he love them yet does this shit? his screws are more than loose but he loves his daughter weird dude
Nope yall aren’t safe