I dropped since this chapter but today I saw a reel where they said the male is lead is the black haired one instantly came back because he really deserves better.
Why does he looks mad all the time? And those three strangers at the end saying “Dangerous if she’s her”, look in the mirror. They look more dangerous.
Kalo gua liat2 FL nya ini tipe yg suka memendam segalanya sendiri ga sih? Gua loncat dari ch 2 kesini karna kepo aj. Klo iya, hadehhh dahlah bakal susah nyelamatin pernikahannya.
I dropped since this chapter but today I saw a reel where they said the male is lead is the black haired one instantly came back because he really deserves better.
Why does he looks mad all the time? And those three strangers at the end saying “Dangerous if she’s her”, look in the mirror. They look more dangerous.
Helena lu better baca dulu deh lenglap daripada jump into conclusions hahhaha
Kalo gua liat2 FL nya ini tipe yg suka memendam segalanya sendiri ga sih? Gua loncat dari ch 2 kesini karna kepo aj. Klo iya, hadehhh dahlah bakal susah nyelamatin pernikahannya.
No yato this chapter…….. nooooooo ?????