Please dont be an idiot and ask for his love or anything pethatic like that
Just leave that guy is killing people but he’s trying to be human because he loves her or just love urself
I think she will ask for death?. If I were her I would have killed myself already. This is so miserable huhuhuhuhu. Like no matter what she will do no one will accept her and people are just gonna take advantage of her. WHY!!!!!. When will the male lead come huhuhuhu!!
If fl will ask for his love or something like that, then i dont even know what to feel
Please dont be an idiot and ask for his love or anything pethatic like that
Just leave that guy is killing people but he’s trying to be human because he loves her or just love urself
I think she will ask for death?. If I were her I would have killed myself already. This is so miserable huhuhuhuhu. Like no matter what she will do no one will accept her and people are just gonna take advantage of her. WHY!!!!!. When will the male lead come huhuhuhu!!
I order the vampire too
She will not say I want die right?
Aghh,……… too short ?????
I HATE HIM weirdly enough i prefer the vampire
i agree with u
me too