@Dont bother me
There’s a belief in the country that outsiders are bad luck/an ill omen. Because of the harsh environment, disfavour from the gods is life or death to them, hence why religion has more power than the king. (Also they mentioned a recent plague) If they “displease the gods” by bringing in an outsider, then what will guarantee enough food for winter? Or that there’s enough firewood? Etc. Human beings desire some control of our lives/environment and are quick to ascribe meaning. Rather than hopelessly relying on luck/chance, having someone to blame when something goes wrong and a way to assuage anxiety (through piety) is much more comfortable.
There’s also the fact that the country is struggling and needs a strong monarch with support from a capable wife.
TLDR: They’re superstitious. (Also if they’re scheming as temples usually are in these stories this may be a show of power against the king idk)
Who’s the other women,hm?
@Dont bother me
There’s a belief in the country that outsiders are bad luck/an ill omen. Because of the harsh environment, disfavour from the gods is life or death to them, hence why religion has more power than the king. (Also they mentioned a recent plague) If they “displease the gods” by bringing in an outsider, then what will guarantee enough food for winter? Or that there’s enough firewood? Etc. Human beings desire some control of our lives/environment and are quick to ascribe meaning. Rather than hopelessly relying on luck/chance, having someone to blame when something goes wrong and a way to assuage anxiety (through piety) is much more comfortable.
There’s also the fact that the country is struggling and needs a strong monarch with support from a capable wife.
TLDR: They’re superstitious. (Also if they’re scheming as temples usually are in these stories this may be a show of power against the king idk)
Dont bother me
This tests make no sense… What do they gain? Why is the temple doing this again?
This is kindof dumb of them to do.