I knew the king loved his wife dearly. How sad.
And she seemed to be abused in the first panel. Where did she come from, Edel’s mom I mean?
And these self-proclaimed emissaries of this imaginary ‘god’ they claim to worship! How baseless their claims are!
This nasty priestess is the one responsible for Edel’s mother’s death. Bet she wanted him dead as well. Too bad for you he survived and became the Husa. ‘Impurities’ huh? Says who? You?! How about proving it yourself if you think you are oh-so-pure then?
She is in desperate needs of real good beating.
Edel’s parents were Ill-Fated,But worry not Diraz,FL will be the sunshine to melt the ice
Bitch who’s the impure one here
Ain’t no God gonna bless you with an impure heart
I knew the king loved his wife dearly. How sad.
And she seemed to be abused in the first panel. Where did she come from, Edel’s mom I mean?
And these self-proclaimed emissaries of this imaginary ‘god’ they claim to worship! How baseless their claims are!
This nasty priestess is the one responsible for Edel’s mother’s death. Bet she wanted him dead as well. Too bad for you he survived and became the Husa. ‘Impurities’ huh? Says who? You?! How about proving it yourself if you think you are oh-so-pure then?
She is in desperate needs of real good beating.
Can the temple go away?
im here for the men
wtf with the temple seriously