I have see a 2yr old toddler from a father who was 6ft 4inch and a mother who was 4ft 9inch. The toddler took after the father in height so when the mother carried the toddler it look like a little person carrying a person half her size. Not a joke.
His choice of woman was a bit strange if the childbirth is his one and only goal in marriage. Their height difference is lmao How can a dwarf give birth to a giant’s child??
His imagination r too wild.😜 He wanted to give her the famous “prince hug” …poor guy…🤣🫡
Omg he is too freaking cute! Definitely my type
I have see a 2yr old toddler from a father who was 6ft 4inch and a mother who was 4ft 9inch. The toddler took after the father in height so when the mother carried the toddler it look like a little person carrying a person half her size. Not a joke.
I Cant_Sleep
How tall is he? 7.2
His choice of woman was a bit strange if the childbirth is his one and only goal in marriage. Their height difference is lmao How can a dwarf give birth to a giant’s child??
Cute bear🐻❤️🤣
Aww hes cute