@julina Diana is 12. She’s no longer so young that she couldn’t think of what could go wrong if a person falls into a frozen lake in the middle of the winter… Moreover she’s a noble and would’ve been educated way more than normal kids. Whether she will regret it or not is not what’s important rn. What’s important is that the adults recognise that she’s a serious threat to the kid’s safety and take enough steps to nip the malicious behaviour at the earliest.(which I hope to see starting next chapter)
@Rococochoco Of course, that was really risky but you know… Diana wasn’t aware of the consequences as she is just a child in this scene. Children are not that thoughtful and that makes them to commit some mistakes, whether they might be small or much serious. And as you know that children learns from their mistakes, so most probably she WILL regret this after knowing that this could have been really bad.
At 12, we can’t say they are “children” (in the ‘innocent’ sense) anymore. My daughter has suffered harrassment at school starting at a very young age, and when she was little, I was inclined to say it was the bullies’ parents fault (as in, their responsibility). But now that she’s 13, she would definitely know she’d be doing something very bad, and so do her classmates. They are already very much aware of what’s wrong and right (and have been aware for a long time), and should not be underestimated (as in, they are smarter than adults give them credit for)
I dont know its always weird when kids try to murder. Like blowing her over and stealing her soap is excusable but blowing her scarf onto a frozen lake? She knew wanted something awful to happen and it did, to me that makes her so evil
I doubt Diana thought Gratia would fall through the ice but either way it’s nice that we get to see her immediately and truly regret what happened
@julina Diana is 12. She’s no longer so young that she couldn’t think of what could go wrong if a person falls into a frozen lake in the middle of the winter… Moreover she’s a noble and would’ve been educated way more than normal kids. Whether she will regret it or not is not what’s important rn. What’s important is that the adults recognise that she’s a serious threat to the kid’s safety and take enough steps to nip the malicious behaviour at the earliest.(which I hope to see starting next chapter)
@Rococochoco Of course, that was really risky but you know… Diana wasn’t aware of the consequences as she is just a child in this scene. Children are not that thoughtful and that makes them to commit some mistakes, whether they might be small or much serious. And as you know that children learns from their mistakes, so most probably she WILL regret this after knowing that this could have been really bad.
At 12, we can’t say they are “children” (in the ‘innocent’ sense) anymore. My daughter has suffered harrassment at school starting at a very young age, and when she was little, I was inclined to say it was the bullies’ parents fault (as in, their responsibility). But now that she’s 13, she would definitely know she’d be doing something very bad, and so do her classmates. They are already very much aware of what’s wrong and right (and have been aware for a long time), and should not be underestimated (as in, they are smarter than adults give them credit for)
I dont know its always weird when kids try to murder. Like blowing her over and stealing her soap is excusable but blowing her scarf onto a frozen lake? She knew wanted something awful to happen and it did, to me that makes her so evil
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