ericajeno that guy with the snake was GIZZIDA huh? 🥹🥹🥹 Fkckdkdkd i love kun and reniae ok, their angst is also topnotch, I can’t believe they have to be this dramatic 🥹 but holy shit, the angst with gizzida was also fcked up 😭 April 29, 2023 at 11:34 am Log in to Reply
Wasn’t she on bed?
that guy with the snake was GIZZIDA huh? 🥹🥹🥹 Fkckdkdkd i love kun and reniae ok, their angst is also topnotch, I can’t believe they have to be this dramatic 🥹 but holy shit, the angst with gizzida was also fcked up 😭
Please make it a reality and not just a dream 😭