The story she tells to her baby is a farytail said by romeo at the begin of Romeo and Juliet, it’s so beautiful to see how the authors represented what really happened in the book
Honestly this makes plenty of sense to me dying isn’t enough they need a bigger spectacle to distract nobles and nothing is more distracting than a illegitimate child to nobility who “value” pedigree.
I’m sorry.. WHAT?! Romeo, even tho you’re a cheater piece of trash, I thought you’d just leave rosaline alone in the years away from her. But from the sounds of that last bit, does that fucking mean you’ve been orchestrating her suffering all those years?! For what reason?!
I hate this ppl so much, i can even describe it
Searching for love
The story she tells to her baby is a farytail said by romeo at the begin of Romeo and Juliet, it’s so beautiful to see how the authors represented what really happened in the book
Reader is L
What in the world is happening? What wrong with that dudes head?
Cele Onee-chan
Honestly this makes plenty of sense to me dying isn’t enough they need a bigger spectacle to distract nobles and nothing is more distracting than a illegitimate child to nobility who “value” pedigree.
I’m sorry.. WHAT?! Romeo, even tho you’re a cheater piece of trash, I thought you’d just leave rosaline alone in the years away from her. But from the sounds of that last bit, does that fucking mean you’ve been orchestrating her suffering all those years?! For what reason?!
Really Romeo 🤬
Where are the other chapters????