I Cant_Sleep Isn’t it not ce to see a change of pace fr once February 1, 2024 at 4:06 pm Log in to Reply
Riley16 So many questions, why did he need Juliet’s permission? Why the church? What is he offering the church? The Prince? November 15, 2023 at 12:18 pm Log in to Reply
Lightning-Kun awww Rosie & Paris, really nice he confessed, also damit Romeo did just send people to get Paris just what exactly do Romeo & Juliet want November 15, 2023 at 5:38 am Log in to Reply
I Cant_Sleep
Isn’t it not ce to see a change of pace fr once
So many questions, why did he need Juliet’s permission? Why the church? What is he offering the church? The Prince?
awww Rosie & Paris, really nice he confessed, also damit Romeo did just send people to get Paris just what exactly do Romeo & Juliet want