I’ve really enjoyed how this story is picking up. And Ilier is becoming best boy. Why is it the siscons that become obsessed with the FL? And why do I love that trope every time?!! Thanks for update!
I’m on his side. kill her, there’s also a possibility that the pink haired is not the real lutas. so the god might not meant the pink hair girl need to end up with someone, but someone else.
Ok someone said that pinky might be the real molly… kinda makes sense in my eyes
I’ve really enjoyed how this story is picking up. And Ilier is becoming best boy. Why is it the siscons that become obsessed with the FL? And why do I love that trope every time?!! Thanks for update!
Shut up and let him kill her. That trash needs to be disposed of sooner rather than later
You’re way to passionate and hateful about this, it’s super weird.
I’m on his side. kill her, there’s also a possibility that the pink haired is not the real lutas. so the god might not meant the pink hair girl need to end up with someone, but someone else.
Nah I’m on his side. Kill her NOW!