Uhoh… the book can’t go on a vacation no more… is the ML so convincing that he appears sleeping still to the book? Or he wants someone to permanently hold his secret?
He probably doesn’t feel guilty bout about her death but he feels guilty towards his brother causing him the same pain he experienceed. He also probably is insecure about his succession like he is an imposter.
Uhoh… the book can’t go on a vacation no more… is the ML so convincing that he appears sleeping still to the book? Or he wants someone to permanently hold his secret?
Historical Maniac
Wtf? The book forgot that its scene is over😂
Wait doesn’t the book disappear once they awaken?
He probably doesn’t feel guilty bout about her death but he feels guilty towards his brother causing him the same pain he experienceed. He also probably is insecure about his succession like he is an imposter.