@dont mind me just simping : You can CLEARLY see on the panel that he was parched and was about to drink the wine. She acted without thinking and immediately slapped the glass that he was drinking out of impulse (her body acted on her own) . She probably didnt have time to think of a proper to stop him. I would do the same tbh in that situation. Im indecisive person, so most of the time in situation where i need to make decision fast (specially life and death) my body acted on its own. She did what she could, she was already blamed by the people around her when she is just trying to help, are you gonna side with them too? You act like one of those nobles who didnt even gave her time to explain more clearly.
No offense but she acted rudely, seriously ? I mean u can tell him not to drink it or just say “duke pardon my rudeness” Something like that and as for the duchess she didn’t have to say that insulting words, I thought she was nice but nah-
annnd this 1 chapter alone is enough to make me wanna drop this JUST FUCKING TELL THEM IT WAS POISONED DUMBASS
@dont mind me just simping : You can CLEARLY see on the panel that he was parched and was about to drink the wine. She acted without thinking and immediately slapped the glass that he was drinking out of impulse (her body acted on her own) . She probably didnt have time to think of a proper to stop him. I would do the same tbh in that situation. Im indecisive person, so most of the time in situation where i need to make decision fast (specially life and death) my body acted on its own. She did what she could, she was already blamed by the people around her when she is just trying to help, are you gonna side with them too? You act like one of those nobles who didnt even gave her time to explain more clearly.
Way to thank the person who saved your life! Should’ve let him die, the world would’ve been better off?
Dont mind me just simping
No offense but she acted rudely, seriously ? I mean u can tell him not to drink it or just say “duke pardon my rudeness” Something like that and as for the duchess she didn’t have to say that insulting words, I thought she was nice but nah-